"Let's find some common ground so I can tell you my fucking life story."


Whos to say whats safe?

People these days are afraid of everything, from lighters exploding in their pockets to terrorists attacks. But what should we really be afraid of? Whose to say what gets censored and what doesnt? Whose to say what bills pass and which dont? Whose to say what foods we should eat and which we shouldnt? Its the power of insinuation that says, and the things that we should be afraid of you are not.
Say you are a safety inspector.
I am a business man and I have a new fuel I want to sell. My new fuel is no cheaper than oil, but it will give us another choice, and reduce our dependamce on OPEC. The problem is that, unlike oil, which is just as flammable, my new fuel is so flammable, its explosive. Its also invisible, odorless, and deadly poisoness- and I want to pump it into your house.
Will you approve it? Of course not.
Well what kind of stove do you have? Because the fuel Im talking about isnt new. Its natural gas. We already use it.
Would cars be approved today? Pretend you are the inspector again.
I want to introduce a one ton machine that will go 60 miles per hour, inches from pedestrians. ( and I will let 16 year olds drive them!) Or how bout airplaines? I want to take a metal tube and put 300 people in it and have it fly over a city with a jetpack of explosive gas strapped to it and it will fly and then land next to a whole bunch of other tubes strapped with jetpacks.
Would you approve it? No way.
People, we are scaring ourselves to death. Americans these days are scared of hot dogs, bacteria, lighters, carpet, even leaving thier house. Nutrasweet has a chemical in it that kills you, asbestos gives you cancer, mutagens in childrens pajamas. These are all things we are afraid of. So how can we live life? Smoking is the number one cause of death in this country and it's legal. Think about that. Then take it and chew on it.

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