"Let's find some common ground so I can tell you my fucking life story."


57 Girl Confessions

1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead? I love it!
2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress? Depends on where Im going. I like the short poofy dresses, actually.
3. What would you do if you received a long love letter? Ive recieved a few, and I would keep it forever!
4. Group dates or single dates? Single dates for sure! I like the group dates every once and awhile though.
5. Do you hate it when guys act different around their friends? I fucking cant STAND it.
6. Are diamonds a girl's best friend? Ive seen Blood Diamond. Yet still, I am drawn to things that sparkle. So YES!!
7. Is your hair up or down today? Its up... I was cleaning all day.
8. Do you straighten your hair? Yes. Not all the time though.
9. Favorite mascara? MAC Mascara X
10. Do you get your nails done? Like, every two weeks.
11. Small or large purses? SMALL
12. In your purse, what are your must haves? Lip Glass, Concealer, VS Very Sexy Lotion, Mascara, Batteries (for my camera) My ID, and some FUNDS.
13. Jeans or sweats? JEANS Def
14. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable? Shoes, yeah. You gotta break them in, HELLO.
15. Do you text message a lot? All the time. More than I talk on the phone.
16. What would you do if you got pregnant? Kill myself. Kill the person who did it to me first though.
17. What's your favorite color? Pink/Black
18. Heels or flats? Heels, can never have enough.
19. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie? Uhm.. almost everytime.
20. Would you ever leave the house without make-up on? Yeah, why not?
21. Walmart or Target? Walmart. Fuck a Target.
22. Do you wear collared shirts? Bahah, no.
23. Do you like preppy boys? To look at, of course. They are cuties. Preppy boys are pussies though.
24. Do you think lip gloss is the best!? Of course.
25. Do you own any big sunglasses? Hahah, yeah, like 10 of them.
26. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? In the morning? like 20 minutes.
27. Do you like to wear band-aids? not if I dont need them.
28. Do you like skater boys? Hahah, theyre cute too, but Im a tad old for that now.
29. Do you often wish there was something you could change? Not really. Everything happens for a reason. But if it was ANYTHING, I would change one... thing.
30. Gold or silver? White gold
31. Do you like to receive flowers? Of course. *cough* (Rainbow Roses)
32. Do you like surfer boys? Not really.
33. Do you dress up for the holidays? Yeah, who doesnt?
34. Do you like to wear dresseses? I LOVE dresses.
35. On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you? 5. Once you get to know them, theyre pretty easy to figure out.
36. In the last 48 hours have you hung out with a guy? Yeah. Lol. What am I five?
37. Would you date a guy shorter than you? No. Blegh. If a guy is shorter than ME, he really needs help.
38. Do you like to hold hands? Sometimes
39. What is the youngest you would date? 22
40. What is the oldest you would date? 30
41. What do you notice when you first meet a guy? Shoes, teeth, Hair
42. Is it hott when guys sweat? Depends on what hes doing, I mean working hard and being all manly is SEXY, but sweating just to sweat (like ass sweating, or pit stains in AC) NOT Fucking cool, my friend.
43. What is the best feature in a guy? Teeth! I love straight teeth, but I like it when they have that one indented tooth on the side, SO HOT. It gives them character.
44. Do you like making eye contact? Depends.
46. Would you kill for chocolate? At times of the month, FUCK YES
47. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy? Hahah, plenty of times.
48. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping? 11.
49. Do you freak out if you miss your favorite show? I dont miss it. I have TIVO.
50. Do you yell a lot? Not really. Im pretty chill.
51. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work? Absolutely not.
52. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy? Dont, Think... So.
53. Do you write a lot of mushy love poems? When I was like 15.
54. What makeup could you not live w/ out? MAC
55. Do you fall in love easily? Not really. Im really jaded. It takes me a looong while to really open up to someone.
56. Do you have cramps? Not now. But when I do... BAD
57. Do you think you have the bestest friend ever? YESSSSSSSSS
1.Where did you kiss the last person you kissed? In my pool, tonight.
2 .What's the greatest thing that happened to you today? I made 100 bucks for doing something stupid.
3. How many TRUE best friends do you have? like, 4 or 5
4.Would you rather get up early or sleep in? Sleep in for sure!
5.Tell me about the shirt you're wearing? It says "pick me" and it has a picture of the dude from the simpsons picking his nose.
6. What are you excited about right now? Tomorrow. Cant tell ya what Im doing though, then Id have to kill you.
8. Would you rather smile over a lie or cry over the truth? Cry over the truth. Learned that the hard way.
9. What's on your bedroom floor right now? Me! Lol. My Laptop, a Beer, and my Cell Phone.
10. Who's the last person you got into a argument with? My sister when I went on vacation and she took the car. Lol. How stupid was that?
11. Do you trust people? No! I hate everyone I meet at first, then sometimes I still hate them later.
12. If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move? I wouldnt move anywhere, I once dreamed to be where I am now.
13. Your favorite number? 6
14. Could you go a day without eating? Hahah yes. One time I was soo poor, I cried when I saw food. But thats life.
15. How much do looks matter to you in a guy/girl? It doesnt. If you make me feel like a princess, and if you can make me laugh, your perfect just the way you are.
16. Do you like anybody right now? I like allot of people.
17. When was the last time you had your hair cut? OMG. I dont know.
18. Would you rather be mad or sad? Mad. That goes away quicker. I get mad and then I laugh, then I forget I was ever mad at all.
19. Does it take a lot to make you cry? It takes something really harsh. Unless its a sad movie, thats a good cry. (Or a wedding, or new baby, or a graduation... Ok ok I guess it doesnt take that much.)
20. Whats the best feeling in the world? Being Loved. Helping others.
21.Are you close with your mom? Were like sisters!
22. Are your parents strict? They were, but they apologized for that like a million times, Lol.
23. Do you tell your parents everything? Almost. They support me no matter what.
25. Name some fears you have: Blood, Death, Heights, Balloons. Oh and tying rubberbands on fingers.
26. Does the thought of marriage scare you? I dont need the government involved in my love life, thank you very much.
27. How many kids do you want? 1
28. What's your favorite season? SUMMER!!!!!!!!
29. What's your favorite color to wear? Pink, Blue.
30. Who was the last person in your bedroom? My BOO
31. What are you doing today? Nothing, todays over buddy.
35. Do you get bored easily? Depends, if Im doing something I wanted to do in the first place. With Jobs, if it isnt challenging anymore, I start to hate it.
36. What's something that someone can do that really bothers you? Yawn out loud.
37. Did you ever want to change your name when you were younger? All the time!
38. Do you wish you were famous? Not really. According to Britney Spears its not all its cracked up to be.
39. Do you make a wish at 11:11? Uhm... NO?
40. When you go to the beach do you swim or lay out more? Lay out def.
41. Who's the last text message you received from and what did it say? It said, " WTF Betch are you ignoring me?"
42. What are you freakishly obsessed with? *MAC* makeups and Megan Fox
43. What's your favorite song at the moment? I dont know, prolly the one on my myspace.
44. Do you like going to the mall to shop or just shopping online? Mall.
45.Can music affect your mood? Yes. For fucking sure.
46. What piercings do you want? Already have them. *chuckles*
48.Have you ever been in a cave? Yeah Damnit, its scary.
49.Ever eaten a bug? Prolly without knowing it... on purpose though, HELL NO
50. When will you hang out with the person you last kissed next? Tomorrow Morning.
51. Are you in a good mood? Always
53. Would you rather skydive or bungee jump? Already bungee jumped, so I guess skydive.
54. Do you like snakes? Yeah.
55. What's one place you would like to visit? Brazil
56. Do you like waffles? Love em.'Specially homemade ones.
57. Does the number 23 have any significance to you? Not...really. Michael Jordan was 23 though
58. Be honest, do you like people in general? Nope.
59. What color are the walls in your bedroom? White...lame.
60.Do you think starbucks is expensive? Not really
61. Are you named after a family member? No
62. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass or fail? Unfortunately, I would probably fail... miserably.
63. Wanting to tell someone something? I guess... but I wont.
64. Last restaurant you went to? Margherita Mamas
65. What is the weather like today? Hott!!!
66. What happened yesterday? Um...dont remember.
67. What would you do with five million dollars? Alllllllot of things. Save it mostly.
68. How many hours did you sleep last night? Like 3.
69. Any upcoming concerts you want to attend? Not...really.
70. Who's the last person that you felt was stalking you? Hahah.. I wont say. They are a nice person... just dont get it all yet. Thats being young for you...
71. Have you ever been on your school's track team? Yeh. Heh.
72. Have you cried today? No
73. Do you think that someone is thinking about you right now? I hope.
74. Does it annoy you when someone says they'll call, but never do? Sometimes.
75. What did you dress up as for Halloween? Strawberry Shortcake/ The Babe.

5 YEARS AGO- 2002:
1. How old were you? 19
2. Were you in school? Nope.
3. If so, where? What year were you in? Not in school, schmuck.
4. Who was your best friend? Michelle
5. Were you single or taken? Taken
6. If you were taken, who were you dating? Frankee
7. How long did that last? Why? Lasted a while. Why? Because we were in love, duh.
8. On a Friday where could you be found? At work, or at my house drinkin Soco, or at B's
9. Hobbies? Drinking, Dancing, Promotion shit.
10. Where did you work? No where you need to know about.
11. Where you happy with your life? Yeah, I would say that
12. Where did you live? Willowbrook
13. What was the best thing about that year of your life? Dont remember.
14. Given the chance would you change anything about that year of your life? Nope.
15. What was your greatest accomplishment at this age? Living on my own.
4 YEARS AGO- 2003:
1. Where did you go to school? What year were you in? I didnt hoebag
2. Who was your best friend? Mandi
3. Were you dating anyone? Yes
4. For how long and why did it end? A loong time.. it ended cause we grew apart. and we'd been through toooooooo much.
5. Did you have any hobbies? No good ones. heheheh.
6. Was this year better than the previous year? I guess.
7. Would you change anything about it if you could? Nope. Never.
8. Highlight of this year of your life? Hotelz were fun! ...Mandi.
9. Greatest accomplishment at this age? No new ones.
10. Were you still living at home? Fuck no.
11. Overall, were you happy with your life at this point? YESSS.
12. Biggest mistake made at this age: Thats something that only I need to know.
13. What kind of car did you have? Did you parents buy it for you? 2002 Honda Civic...nope.
14. Where did you work? Still Noneya Biz
15. Did you have an idea of what you wanted to do with your life? I had a few very stupid ideas.
3 YEARS AGO- 2004:
1. Who was your best friend? Amanda
2. Who were you dating? My Current BOO
3. Why did this relationship end? It didnt.
4. On on Friday night where could you be found? In front of Gabes.. with all our other friends.... or at work, or at the club!
5. Any hobbies? Clubbing, drinking, working out, promotions.
6. Was this year better than the year before? Yeah.
7. Where did you work? STILL Noneya
8. Were you still driving the same car? Yeah.
9. High point of the year? Dont remember.
10. Learn any life lessons this year? aLOT.
11. Where did you live? Westmont.
12. Any regrets at this age? A few.
13. Would you do it all over again, without changing a thing, if you could? No Id change a few things.
14. Would you go back in time to change something about your life at this age if you could? YES.
15. What was your age? 21
2 YEARS AGO- 2005:
1. How old were you? 22
2. Had you decided what you wanted to be when you 'grew up' ? Hahah. I thought I did.
3. Had you had a long term relationship? TWO
4. At this point in your life, had your heart ever been broken? Many, MANY times.
5. Who was your best friend? Lisa
6. Your boyfriend/girlfriend? How long did you date? Still are.
7. Had you thought about marriage and who you wanted to marry yet? Hahah. Thought about it... but still undecided as to WHOM. lol.
8. What year were you in in school? I wasnt, goddamnit shithead, get with it.
9. Were you happy with your life? yeah.
10. Was this year better than the preceding year? I could say that.
11. If you could not change a single thing, would you do it over again? YES
12. Anything unexpected happen during this year of your life? aLOT of things.
13. What was you biggest mistake made at this age? Dont ask me this again, same one as 19.
14. Where did you work? STILL Noneya hahaha
15. Had you been in love? YES TWICE
1 YEAR AGO- 2006:
1. How old were you? 23
2. Highlight of your year at this age? Hahah... I wouldnt say it was a highlight. Goddamn Tampa Police.
3. Who were you dating? Same person.
4. Were you done with school? Thank god yes.
5. Who were you dating? Uhm... you smokin some good shit arent you?
6. How long did you date this person & why did it end? It didnt end, fool.
7. HaD you figured your life out at this point? I dont think I ever will.
8. Were you happy? I guess.
9. Would you change anything if you could? YES! OMG YES.
10. Did you still have the same job as you did the year before? Yes. and the year before and before and so on.
11. Hobbies? Community Service. Lol.
12. Best friend? Gabe
13. Were you in love? YES!
14. Did you have a job or a career? Sort of. I guess you could make it a career. Lmao.
15. Still drive the same car as you did the year before? No I had the 05 Camry now.
THIS YEAR- 2007:
1. How old are you? uhm this is a year behind (and NO I didnt just realize that) but 24
2. Are you happy with your life as a whole? Yes, absolutely.
3. Are you single or taken? Taken.
4. How long have you been with your significant other? A while.
5. Biggest life lesson learned this year? Dont take anything for granted.
6. Do you know what you want to do with your life career wise? Nope...not yet.
7. Do you know who you want to marry? Dont want to marry.
8. Are you still in school? What kind of retard are you? NO!!!!
9. Do you still live with your parents? Bahahah uhm.. no.
10. Where do you work? VP...short for noneya. but not that kind of noneya...not like before.
11. Is this year better than the previous 5? Its...ok.
12. Have you 'found' yourself? Yeah, I would say so.
13. Highlight of your year? Freedom!!!!!!!!
14. Would you change anything about this year if you could? maybe ONE thing.
15. Rate you life right now on a scale of 1-10: 8

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Thursday, July 03, 2008
There needs to be a group for survey addicts Current mood: optimistic
Odd Facts about ME
DO YOU SNORE?: Only when I'm drunk.
—————LOVER OR A FIGHTER?: A little of both, I hate confrontation, but I do get mad sometimes, Ill fight for what I want
—————WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR?: Death, I keep thinking Im getting older and older... oh thats the OCD
—————AS A KID, WERE YOU A LEGO BUILDER?: Yeah... Now I just play the video games! Lol.
—————WHAT DO YOU THINK OF "REALITY TV"?: Loves it! The hills, Tila, ABDC, I love em all!
—————DO YOU CHEW ON YOUR STRAWS?: Not... really. Its kind of nasty.
—————WERE YOU A CUTE BABY?: Who wasnt?
—————HOW IS THE SINGLE LIFE FOR YOU?: I dont know, its been a while since I been, I cant remember the last time I was.
—————WHAT COLOR IS YOUR KEYBOARD?: Black and silver.
—————DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER?: No. I dont sing, unless Im in the car... and its really, really dark outside. So ppl dont think Im talking to myself
—————ANY SECRET TALENTS?: Not that I can write in a random survey...lol
—————WHAT'S YOUR IDEAL VACATION SPOT?: Brazil, Puerto Rico
—————HAVE YOU EATEN SUSHI?: Alllll the time! I love the Hibachi Bar!!!
—————HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOVIE "DONNIE DARKO"?: With Johnny Depp? IF not, nope.
—————DO YOU GIVE A DARN ABOUT THE OZONE?: Of course. But what can I do? Pfft.
—————HOW MANY LICKS DOES IT TAKE TO GET TO THE CENTER OF A TOOTSIE POP?: Ask the owl. I would hope he knew by now.
—————CAN YOU SING THE ALPHABET BACKWARDS?: yeah i guess, if i tried.
—————HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON AN AIRPLANE?: many many times! Not scary anymore! Yay!
—————ARE SPEEDO'S HOT?: hahahah. They can be. (David Beckham) I think theyre funny though
—————WHAT'S YOUR STAND ON HUNTING?: No!!!! Poor Bambi. People who like to hunt are fricken freaks.
—————IS MARRIAGE IN YOUR FUTURE?: Probably not. Why involve the government if you dont have to?
—————DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING?: Sometimes, depends on how much Red bull Ive drank. After a few it starts looking like chicken scratch.
—————WHAT ARE YOU ALLERGIC TO?: Febreze, used to be aleve, but the other day I took one out of desperation and nothing happened so... *coughs*
—————WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAID, "I LOVE YOU": A few minutes ago... *bats eyelashes*
—————IS TUPAC STILL ALIVE?: Hopefully. Maybe hell come back and bitch slap all these wannabes
—————DO YOU CRY AT WEDDINGS?: Yes. I cry when I see them on TV. Im so soft!
HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR EGGS?: Well Done..I actually dont like eggs that much at all. But when I do eat them... I like them cooked and scrambled
—————ARE BLONDES DUMB?: They seem to be. Id rather be brunette lets just put it that way
—————WHERE DOES THE OTHER SOCK END UP?: I have no fucking idea. You let ME know when you find out.
—————WHAT TIME IS IT?: 10:00
DO YOU HAVE A NICKNAME?: Rock$teady, Weavo.
—————IS MCDONALD'S DISGUSTING?: No Im lovin it
—————DO YOU PREFER BATHS OR SHOWERS?: Baths... candles, bubbles...mmm
—————IS SANTA CLAUSE REAL?: I should hope so, I been good all year cause I really want an Ipod
—————WHAT ARE YOU ADDICTED TO?: Cigarettes, Red Bull, MAC makeup, Star Magazine, Yankee Candles, and The Hills...
—————CRUNCHY OR CREAMY PEANUT BUTTER?: Creamy all the way!
—————IS DRUG FREE THE WAY TO BE?: Depends who's asking...*looks around*
—————ARE YOU WEARING SOCKS?: No. Im flintstoning it
—————HAVE YOU EVER HITCH HIKED?: Yes. Once.. and its a realllllly long story
—————WHEN'S THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: When I came back from Chicago this last time
—————DO YOU LIKE YOUR LIFE?: Who wouldnt like my life?
—————WHOSE LIFE IS BETTER?: well who are we comparing it to? I mean, like, paris hiltons life is better but how many people really live like her?
—————ARE YOU PSYCHIC?: I dont think so, although SOMETIMES, I have dreams and then they really happen like a year later. Its weird.
—————HAVE YOU READ "CATCHER IN THE RYE"?: I think for school once.
—————DO YOU PLAY ANY INSTRUMENTS?: Uhm, not really.
—————CAN YOU SKATEBOARD?: Hahhahah.
—————DO YOU LIKE CAMPING?: Yeah if your with the right people, and you have allllot of bug spray
—————DO YOU SNORT WHEN YOU LAUGH?: once in a GREAT while
—————IS A DOG A MAN'S BEST FRIEND?: I should hope not, because then that man should really start re-evaluating his life choices
—————YOU BELIEVE IN DIVORCE?: Why wouldnt I? If it doesnt work out, get the fuck out of there! Dont let the bitch take it all! Get a Pre-nup.
—————DOES YOUR MOM KNOW YOU HAVE A MYSPACE?: Yeah, I doubt she ever goes on it though.
—————WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU ATE?: Pizza Hut...mmmm breadsticks.
—————DO YOU WEAR NAILPOLISH?: Allll the time. I just broke a nail today too, pretty bad. It bled. I almost passed the fuck out.
DO YOU LIKE SOMEONE RIGHT NOW?: Yes. I like allot of people.
—————WHAT'S THE MOST ANNOYING TV COMMERCIAL?: Free Credit Report Dot Com....BLEGHHHHHH and those gay ass weed (live above the influence) commercials
—————DO YOU SHOP AT AMERICAN EAGLE?: I used to. Not anymore.
—————FAVORITE BAND AT THE MOMENT?: Lil Wayne, I think hes hardly considered a 'band' though
Long & Random. Check this out.
1. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Pistachio
2. Cable or Satellite? Satellite, but you have to have ON DEMAND
3. Favorite video game? Halo 3!!!!!!! I will kick your ASS!
4. Do you have to sleep with a fan on at night? Yes... Or else I will DIE
5. Your feelings on global warming? Were all gonna drown
6. Do you still have a VCR somewhere? Yeah I still have like 75 VHS's
7. Been on a sailboat? Yeah
8. Two of your best friends are fighting. Your reaction? Screw you guys, Im going home
9. Home Depot or Lowes? Home Depot
10. Beer or Hard Liquor? BEER! (unless a chocolate martini is involved)
11. Best movie you've seen recently? The Hulk
12. Would you walk across broken glass for $100? probably
13. Your feelings on dolphins? Sooo Cute!!!
14. Would you ever rob a bank? No, im too scary
15. Do you plan out your day before it begins? Sometimes, if Im excited about the next day.
16. What kind of digital camera do you have? Sony
17. Can you fall asleep with your eyes open? No, thats for freaks.
18. Winter or Summer? Summer! All the time.
19. Your ex's car breaks down and they ask you for a lift. Your response? Help them, Ex's are ppl too
20. Your feelings on Britney? Boo. You Whore. GO AWAY
21. Do you go to the gym regularly? Not recently. I did before though. UGH that doesnt count.
22. Ever play with model trains? No, im not a serial killer.
23. You've just bought a new house. What color will you paint the walls in the living room? Depends on the color of the carpet.
24. Best subject in school? English
25. What are your goals for this year? Tooo many to list
26. Do you spread false rumors about people just for the hell of it? No, cuz i hate when other people do it
27. Do you consider yourself religious? I believe. But Im not Hardcore
28. Internet Explorer or Firefox? IE
29. Ever play online poker? No, but I know someone who does, like 24/7
30. For real money? I just said no, schmuck
31. Describe the first house you lived in. Cant remember
32. Do you want to kick someone in the face right now? Yeah, my cat.
33. Favorite sport to watch? Baseball
34. You see someone running around naked in the street. Your reaction? Hahahah. Schmuck. Point and laugh. Hahahah.
35. How much syrup do you put on your waffles and/or pancakes for breakfast? aLOT
36. Favorite junk food? Flaming hot fries
37. Bottled water. Yes or no? Yes. Definately
38. Do you have a lot of candles in your room? YES I love Yankee Candles
39. Are the files in your computer well organized or all over the place? Well organized
40. Are there dogs barking in your neighborhood right now? No but fireworks are going off
41. Where would you most like to be right now? Miami
42. Do you own a sleeping bag? Not anymore
43. UFC. Entertaining or stupid? Entertaining
44. Favorite reality show? The Hills
45. What was the first CD you ever bought? One of those NOW Cds probably
46. Are all infomercials completely pointless? Im gullible, so no. But I wish they would stop being so damn convincing!
47. Who are you voting for in 2008? Obama, *body chill* since they left no other choice
48. If money was no object, what car would you drive? Bugatti Veyron
49. Last 5 played songs in your Itunes playlist? Overdose, Truth Trust, Foolish, Toy Soldiers, and Got it Twisted
50. Was this survey random enough for you? Not really. It was sort of GAY.

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