"Let's find some common ground so I can tell you my fucking life story."


Our rights

Angelina Jolie has a tattoo on her back that says "Know Your Rights". Why do you suppose she does this? To remind most of us that we dont.
Remember when the big thing in our media was auto safety? The government launched a program making all people riding in cars to wear seatbelts. Then they made it mandatory. Then they said a child under thirteen cannot be in the front seat of a vehicle, then came the airbags.
At first airbags were a choice. Now they are mandatory. Short drivers are at risk, driving with a virtual time bomb strapped to their steering wheel and it is forbidden to have a car without them, and it is forbidden to disconnect them. Because the government knows best, we follow what they say for us is right like a herd of sheep. The government says, "its not the government versus the people, we ARE the people". And they are absolutely right. We let them be too. Why should the government have anything to do with that decision, its your decision. They are always protecting someone and the cost of someone elses liberties. They have their hand in everything we do, from what movies we see, to what video games we play, from what foods are good for us to what we are afraid of, from what places we go to even the people we talk to. Its ridiculous and we need to wake up and step away from the herd.

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