"Let's find some common ground so I can tell you my fucking life story."


Sue happy America

I dont like it when people respond to every injury with a lawsuit. But you want revenge. Your a VICTIM. Arent victims entitled to compensation? But compensationg victims has an inintended consequence: it encourages us to be victims, to hold on to our "victimhood" When you reward something, you get more of it. Today if you steal money, mutilate your parents, or kill your boyfriend, it may because you are a victim. If you are a government official and get caught smoking crack, you are probably a victim, if you are a doctor groping your staff, YOU are the victim, you have a disease which compels you to fondle breasts. Caught driving drunk? Your not really responsible, you are the victim of alcoholism. Dont take the blame its not your fault.
Youve been corrupted by laws intending to make things "fair". Often times these "victims" have diseases which are psychosomatic. You believe you are the victim there fore you are. You have a back injury from an accident. Your back aches, it truley does but strangely enough right after your court sessions are over and you have won, your injury from which you siffered mysteriously dissapears. Coincidence. No. Your injury was psychosomatic. You believed you had it. So much so, that you actually, physically, did.
But the question is why are we as Americans so sue happy? Is it something that we feel we are owed? Is it something to make life a little fairer? Paying thousands in lawyers fees is fair? You decide.

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